In this essay, Harper B. Keenan draws on his own experience as a white queer and trans educator to consider the meaning of a critical trans pedagogy. Amid dissonant narratives of equal rights and subjection, he explores how his classroom teaching is shaped by his own experience of gender conditioning as well as by the…
Abstract This paper presents an analysis of the literacy practices in a primary-grade English immersion class in California during the first year of implementation of Proposition 227, the initiative that mandated English immersion education for a majority of the state’s linguistically diverse students. The data issue from a yearlong qualitative study of Room 110, a…
Khaki Drag is a doctoral student working in a teacher education program at an elite university. For most of the teacher candidates, the majority of whom are White women, these neighborhoods are vastly different from the ones they grew up in. Schools reward conformity to Whiteness and binary gender norms at every level from preschool…
This article examines native Spanish-speaking students’ participation in a dynamic literacy practice in a primary-grade English immersion class established by Proposition 227, the California voters…
Contents Foreword – Sonia Nieto Preface Acknowledgments 1. Introduction – Patrick C. Manyak and Maria Luiza Dantas Part I: Home School (Dis)connections 2. “Lost Boys”, Cousins and Aunties: Using Sudanese Refugee Relationships to Complicate Definitions of “Family” – Kristen H. Perry 3. The Impact of Social Dynamics on Immigrant Children’s Language and Literacy Practices: Learning…
Chapter 7 highlights Black boyhood play experiences. Play is both a language and literacy practice, and it is foundational to early childhood education and is an important aspect of the academic enterprise; however, Black boyhood play is under-discussed in early childhood education, despite the anti-Black misandric violence––hate and violence specific to Black boys––that these boys…
Childhood play is one of the hallmarks of early childhood education, yet most early childhood educators have stereotypical views of Black boyhood play. At the same time, few scholars have addressed teachers’ and school administrators’ stereotypes and biases of Black boys’ play styles and behaviors. The purpose of this conceptual paper is to highlight the…
This article reviews recent research on young children’s literacy learning, with a focus on innovative ideas that reclaim a longstanding ethos in early childhood education: child over curriculum. This means the emphasis is on learning with the young child rather than teaching to cover the curriculum. I begin by reviewing early literacy studies that take…